Category Archives for Crime Authors

How I Became A Crime Author

A crime author? I guess I was destined to be a crime writer. In my early working life I was surrounded by lots money, fast deals and dubious characters. Here’s a brief video on how I became a crime

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C T Mitchell Interviewed By Hawkeye Publishing

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Carolyn Martinez, head honcho at Hawkeye Publishing to answer a few probing questions about my writing journey. Carolyn, a great author in her own right,

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Jeffrey Deaver Book Author

Jeffrey Deaver Lunch Event Jeffrey Deaver had lunch with me this week in Brisbane, Australia. When I say me, I mean myself and 120 other raving fans of this thriller author. Brisbane turned on a glorious

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Best Crime Authors [2021]

 Best Crime Authors Can the words best crime authors and C T Mitchell really appear in the same sentence? Interesting question which will no doubt create plenty of comments below. The are no facts that

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