C T Mitchell Interviewed By Hawkeye Publishing

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Carolyn Martinez, head honcho at Hawkeye Publishing to answer a few probing questions about my writing journey.

Carolyn, a great author in her own right, runs the very successful Hawkeye Publishing group here in Brisbane which offers authors an array of terrific services including editing and author coaching. She also runs the Brisbane Authors group, a non profit social group where local authors catch up regularly and share ideas. I’m also a member of this group and I look forward to our monthly catch ups.

Probing questions reveal ‘unguarded’ answers

My interview questions started off casually but then Carolyn asked “How did you get involved in crime writing?” Without thinking I replied ” I was a former real estate agent who mixed with a lot of criminals” Boom it was out there but let me explain a little further.

Let me start off by saying I’ve never been tempted to err on the dark side of the law. I’ve known a few dodgy characters in  my day but have always appreciated my freedom over living in a ‘one bedroom cell overlooking a courtyard’.

The underworld…..

In the 1980’s I sold property on the outskirts of Brisbane. The company had a preferred lawyer who would act for our buyers. Preferred meant ‘must use’. Our clients kept this lawyer looking legit for I would often see some of the biggest names in the Australian underworld catching the lift to his office. I was fascinated by these ‘visitors’ and would spend hours trying to get the lawyer to divulge his clients details, but with no luck.

More lawyers………

Around the same time I was also friendly with a heavyweight at the Qld Law Society. We spent copious hours drinking beers and reciting some of his best cases – in broad detail of course. No names, no pack drill. My addiction to crime and criminals was growing.

And the exclusive resort

By the late eighties I was selling real estate at Sanctuary Cove, a gated community and a mecca for criminals. One couple particularly fascinated me. They played golf every day, drove the latest red Porsche and dined at the exclusive Country Club nightly. But one night the police rocked up, arrested the couple and threw them in jail. Apparently they were responsible for a $6.7 million fraud in the US. Amazing!

But as I stated at the beginning, my fascination with criminals never led me down their path. Instead I turned to great crime writers like Agatha Christie, James Patterson and Peter James for my crime fix.

So thank you Carolyn Martinez for helping me relive my writing journey. It was fun. And if you are a writer looking for great editing and other author services, drop Carolyn a line at Hawkeye Publishing.

Here’s her interview where I reveal the rest of my story. Thanks Carolyn – loved it!

