Category Archives for Writing

Wedding Anniversary, Cabarita Beach and Writing

Today is my wedding anniversary. With modern technology, Facebook reminded me this morning that eleven years ago I tied the knot for a second time on Cabarita Beach, northern NSW, Australia. Not that I

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Over 50 And Writing A Book

Being over 50 is not the end of the world. It’s just the new beginning on the next chapter of your life. If you’ve ever wanted to write a book, today is the day to start. Who knows –

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4 Things I Learnt From Rachel Abbott #1 Amazon Author

Rachel Abbott is the biggest selling author on Amazon UK. She got there by good planning. It was no accident as to how she became a psychological thriller novels bestseller. Here are my takeaways: 1. Being

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4 Things James Patterson Told Me About Writing Over Lunch

I’ve been a James Patterson fan for quite some time and when the opportunity to have lunch with the world’s bestselling author in Sydney, Australia in May 2015, I immediately booked my ticket, grabbed

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